tone indicators and what they stand for, a thread 🧵
/j - this stands for joking.
/hj - this stands for half joking.
/lh - this stands for light hearted.
/srs - this stands for serious.
/nsrs - this stands for not serious
/gen - this stands for genuine
/genq - this stands for genuine question.
/pos - this stands for positive.
/neg - this stands for negative.
/p - this stands for platonic.
/r - this stands for romantic.
/safe - stands for safe, meaning what you are looking at is safe.
if i missed some please let me know, or if i got one wrong please correct me, i added some of the most common ones i see. hope this helped <3
/s - sarcastic
/ly - song lyric
/c - copypasta, meaning it's copied from something else
/nbh - stands for nobody here.
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