Every time I see this argument I lose faith in those deploying it, who are often champions of reasoned debate and critical thinking. They know damn well that interest convergence is a tenet of Derrick Bell’s scholarship intended to apply specifically to African Americans. https://twitter.com/psychrabble/status/1391940042185224193
This is a blatant straw man as well. It takes the basic idea of Cheryl Harris’ “whiteness as property” and distorts it into something I’ve never seen any CRT scholar argue—that Nigerian immigrants to the US have been “granted Whiteness” and this explains their success.
Further, look closely at what the quoted tweet is arguing & how it is framed above. I don’t see any way of denying this extension of IC to POC generally. Given that White people are the majority (US), given capitalism, given democracy, immigration laws... how could this be false? https://twitter.com/ujuanya/status/1390079326922571779
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