ok im making this then going to bed so i probably won't be able to respond: heres what happened in hetatwt

in the su2 discord someone asked in general for others to bring attention to the situation in Isreal right now. Ness made a comment stating how we are, they then realized
that it came off as rude and then deleted it. Rod, one of the people who saw what Ness said before they deleted it told them it came off as rude. Ness acknowledged then clarified that they weren't trying to be rude. After Ness finished I asked if I could delete what they said so
the message about raising awareness would be first. They both said it was good but one of the mods wanted to clarify so I waited. This is when Rod asked Ness to clarify what their intention was, I dont remember anything coming from that so moving on
Monty made a set of tweets on his priv about the situation and someone screenshotted those set of tweets and sent them to Ness. To clear things up I was the one who told Monty that someone screenshotted their tweets. We don't know who did.
Back in the su2 discord after this happened people were using the confessions channel to remark on the situation. I told them to stop talking cause I had doubts that the anon truly knew what was going on. Sorry for snapping at you anon lol
And that's it. The tweets on the tl right now or from about 20 mins before this thread was posted are about this.

The issue is over this is just here so those confused can understand. Sorry for name dropping but I don't care, goodnight.
Also, please continue boosting Palestinian voices regarding the brutal display they have seen at the hands of the IDF. If there's anything you take away from this may it be that.
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