Units that I wanted to be better [THREAD]
The infamous LR AGL Gohan: This unit is FAR from bad but as most of the dokkan community knows this units transformation is unfortunately locked behind a horrendous condition. If this condition was better I would love this unit so much more
PHY Piccolo: This is another unit that is not necessarily BAD but locked in some fashion. This unit is unfortunately locked to namekians as you need a namekians catagory ally to 1. Get his transformation and 2. Have a good/decent linking partner
INT Goku black: This unit is ass. Sadly because he came out at such a weird time. His transformation condition is horrible, he does pathetic damage and struggles to take hits. Just an outright disappointment.
TEQ Hit: This unit isn't bad in the damage department but lacks to tank anything. Just like INT Goku black he came at a weird time in dokkan and compared to other old units he aged like shit.
TEQ Full Power SS4 Goku: Similar to TEQ Hit this unit can output some astonishing damage but lacks defense. But for the time he came out he aged decently
STR SSBKK Goku: This is a stacking unit, one that can do very good damage as he gains atk from super attack and taking hits. Although he only stacks defense from getting hit and even with his full passive built up he gets hits really hard, pretty much carried by his nuke active.
AGL Zamasu: Yet another unit dragged down by his lack of defense. And even so his offense isn't anything to be baffled by either. He doesn't gain neither atk nor def on super in any of his transformations which almost every unit has nowadays. Cool animations, Bad design.
[END OF THREAD] STR Namek Goku: Another stacker but basically the opposite of STR Blue kaioken. Once stacked up he can tank pretty well but fails to output high numbers throughout all of his transformations. Some of my favorite Animations in the game but again designed poorly.
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