Not only is this hopelessly playing into the fears of anti-vaxxers but it's also only half true at best.

Another bizarre ad campaign in a year that has exposed all the weaknesses in the UCP. #AbLeg #abpoli
Why is this bad: the needle is featured as a giant looming object, the sports activity is small and hard to see - the opposite visualization you want when trying to convince those who are fearful and doubtful.
Depict the motivating image strongly and clearly. See the campaign done by the New Zealand government for example. Hint, it's not a scary, huge needle.
The idea there is something in the vaccine that shouldn't be - whether a chip or fetal tissue - may sound ludicrous to many, but is actually believed by some who object to the vaccine. This imagery seems to play on that idea, but this could and likely will backfire for believers.
Also, advertisers would never do this for a consumer product. Easier to divert attention from the negative fears of your product. It's like confirming the fear with a visual!!
Consider how the imagery can be altered and misrepresented on social media. And how easily such a distinctive visual can quickly and easily tainted by opponents. This one will be like a magnet for your detractors.
"Get vaccinated." This is not a very strong noun-verb call to action. Book your vaccine shot now or call for an appointment. These would be better at giving you steps you can take. Empowering.
So we can all get back to normal? This is deceptive. Even after we are all fully vaccinated, we'll not be getting back to normal for a while. Most people know this and will roll their eyes and believe this is evidence are being lied to yet again.
Finally, good advertising imagery should invoke the desired emotion. Think of what emotion you are left with here. Is it a positive feeling? Is it a hopeful emotion. Or is it a feeling of being overwhelmed, of your future in the hands of something large and out of your control?
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