The average hospital is a complete Black Zone of intense aura and dense energy. You can feel it in the air whenever you walk in. The full blast emotional radiation is stained in layers on the walls. This is due to the near HUNDREDS of daily occult rituals performed in hospitals.
Organs are the fulcrum between reality and the metaphysical. In cosmic poetry, one must look inside themselves to look outward. They perform near miraculous alchemy through digestion, and through acting as gateways for the human body, they become gateways to the spirit realm.
A culture can only be considered valid if it adheres to the sanctity of a corpse. Surgeries and autopsies are ritualistic organ divining rituals being performed by accident. Each time someone is put under General Anesthesia, their bodily functions cease to achieve unconsciousness
General Anesthesia is a simulated human sacrifice, a legitimate sacrifice being the many who die of complications. Blood is one of the most sacred substances in history, it contains so much powerful meaning. How many blood contracts have been accidentally made amidst idle talk?
This is compounded by the symbolism used in medicine. Red crosses, the Rod of Asclepius snake spiraling, the Cadeceus winged helix twin serpents, the sinister biohazard symbol on an orange needle box, the yellow radiation logo on an Xray. All are sigils of power and direction
Even a symbol as conspicuous as the Barber's Pole has medicine in origin. The town barber often acted as the town surgeon & during the practice of bloodletting, a patient would hold onto a white pole. The blood would stream down in a spiral
Red & white are the 2 most holy colors
If the human calibration of vibes could be seen as an antenna, some tiny cochlear fiber behind an ear drum that has gone crooked and unable to transmit sound, then Doctors and Nurses have grown deaf through sheer constant exposure to the most volatile & rare moments of people
Every nurse understands that she is making a sacrifice when she attends nursing school. The work inflicts a great deal of stress on the spirit. Even if Doctors can often be placid officiants who merely speak and prescribe, they still are exposed to the same heavy waves every day
These waves of energy clang loudly like church bells in a steeple, vibrating the walls and echoing through the tiled hallways. Entering a hospital is like entering a room of deafening noise. The visitors feel it creeping past every friendly decorating attempt to hide it.
Every moment of extremity rarely ever felt in daily life gets taken all to one place at your local hospital. It is a nuclearized zone for the soul to withstand, yet also an eerie shifting window into another reality. Haruspex occult rituals occur (hopefully) by accident every day
This is not to say medicine is evil. While many here may agree with the sentiment, the resentment of modern medicine lies in its modernity. The morbid perversion of medicine through certain technologies and financial practices foster this revulsion. Medicine itself is ancient.
A portion of the population is given a natural compulsion to help and heal, often in self deprecating sacrifice. This is a necessary function of any tribe or community. Nothing is more lindy than a nurse, a mid wife, a shaman, or healer. Each serve the same function toward health
Change can be made to medicine which befit a more natural approach to humanity and mortality. Simple things like changing lights, layouts, color schemes, food; complicated issues like ethics, relations, triage. But this will not come about through any decisive human change.
The nature of medicine will change with the rise and fall of society. As we enter a collapse, the new raw way of life in survival can foster creative insight and discovery by necessity. One day the flourescent light will shatter, your feet will feel dirt, & you'll see starlight
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