Now I *know* this reality is fake.

Can I get out now and go into the real world?
Growing up, my sister used to joke about "fake celebrity gossip" and I never paid attention b/c I always thought it was weird to be so consumed in complete strangers' lives... but now I'm convinced that Hollywood gossip is full of false stories.
It's much weirder than being part of the Middle Eastern dance scene or growing up in a small town that mirrors Hollywood on a smaller scale.

These people have the power to move markets & supply whole countries with resources if they wanted to & we only care who they're fucking.
"Page Six Exclusive: Person Who Could Provide Shelter to Every Houseless Resident in the Country Caught Cheating With the Nanny. Big Scandal!

Footnote: Said Person Just Bought a $5 Million Necklace for Their Beloved. Inequality Still Rampant."
I'm not knocking expensive jewelry or begrudging folks luxuries. You earned it, you can spend it.

I just also happen to think the 99% of people in the world deserve comfortable living conditions, & so I'm uncomfortable considering joining ranks w/JK Rowling, for example...
...for many reasons but mostly, because I exist at the intersection of Little Play Writer and Psychotic Homegirl Vibes rather than Exclusive Page Six Celebrity 'Long Island Medium' Interview.
Nobody wants to read about a homeless nobody. LOL.
This thread brought to you by: a former hobbyist dancer and pretend 'writer' who's just tired of all this and sick of feeling crazy.
Tired of using other people's money to barely survive.
You can follow @juanaewrites.
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