Wanted to say thank you for helping me get this far.

Below is a thread of how long I've been streaming in hopes of inspiring others, as well as those who assisted me through this journey. I can't wait to make more friends and have loads of fun.
For those who are interested in getting into streaming. My suggestion to you is learning to commit to a project and pushing yourself (When necessary). There is no reason to grind the hell out of streaming, however there is a thing I will say, staying consistent is important.
The stats above are when I started taking streaming seriously (November) to today. Part way through March I decided to stream every single day. Now, you don't need to do this, you can stream whenever, so long as you remain consistent.
The thing is, it's about community building and making friends. If you're any bit serious about streaming, you should understand that there will be days when it's slow. It's not *you*, it's multiple factors. Could be the games, could be the time of day, could be anything.
The last thing I want to say is that success isn't driven based on numbers. It's based on what you're getting out of it. For me, streaming is extremely positive for my mentality, and I absolutely love and enjoy it. You should be doing it because you enjoy it, not for fame / $$$
I want to especially thank @its_dooper & @CapnCocoCharms for pushing me to stream and keeping me within the loop. Not to mention them keeping my head up during the darkest of times in 2020. They have been a big help with this accomplishment. Thank you, deeply.
I'd like to thank some of the folks from the MOTHER community, specifically @yottoresan @PolyGarrett @snowwood_ @Sam_the_SaImon @KodyNOKOLO @JSpinzzz and Retro64 who not only encourage me, but have stuck around for a long time, they're great people and I absolutely love them.
My fellow streamer friends @itsJall @CrubTV @paddlesnake @LadySylvianas, IamDoc, Nerdwurkmedia, Magick, Vance, and several others. You have been wonderful and I am thankful for everything you have done.
To my fellow artist friends @ZachJaDa @its_voxid @DreamyBooWolf I couldn't have done it without your creative energy and beautiful work. You folks are the backbone of the creative outlet for my streams and I appreciate every thing you have made for me. Thank you immensely.
My editor @ali_lulz you have done such amazing editing work for me and I'm ever so thankful for the highlights you have produced. They're the best and you capture every moment there is. Thank you so much.
To my mods, @_blawnk & @RayceARoni you two have done an excellent job just keeping chat cool, and chill. Absolutely enjoy having you guys around. Thank you for spending time with me, and just being great friends. Couldn't do it without you.
A good friend of mine, @colemancheu I know we don't talk much these days. But thank you for helping me with the little things. You mean so much to me, I hope to see you some day. It'll be a good one.
You can follow @orangeisborange.
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