Obligatory thread to talk more about my theories on Visions future development:
Due to his limited understanding of the scope of the mind stone and his own personal restraint in using his superhuman abilities, it’s possible Vision has been holding back.
Vision’s nature has always been protective towards the human race at heart, but we see this amplified as his paternal instincts kick in during Wanda’s pregnancy.
We see him display super speed, as he rushes to get the doctor to Wanda, or rushes to help her when he is concerned.
He additionally is shown to “turn off” the control the hex had on Westview citizens minds, but we do not see the full extent of how much of a another’s mind he could control/alter.
Before parenthood seemingly amplifies his instinctive abilities, Vision seemingly restrained his power use. Perhaps this was in efforts to be seen as less of a weapon, or possibly a residual side effect of being in hiding with Wanda before IW as well.
Perhaps it was even because he felt more like an outsider to the avengers with the extent of superhuman abilities he held.
Regardless, Vision’s allegiance has now changed from the Avengers to his own motives and family, so he no longer has to reason to hold back any longer.
Vision, in his new white armor, wherever we see him next, has the possibility to grow into a MUCH more powerful being than we have known him as, especially if Wanda and the residual mind stone essence from within her has anything to do with it.
Basically, I’m so excited for future projects that will develop upon Vision’s character arc, because I’m so ready to see him live up to his full potential!
End of thread, thank you for reading! ☺️
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