So this random guy added me on snapchat and said 'I am a lawyer, bored on eid holidays' 🤣
The fuck am I supposed to do? Dance for you? 🤣
He's now asking for a chance. For God knows what.
The man has shot his shot now. He wants to know me so that we can end up somewhere nice.
He thought I was a psychiatrist based on my insta. If I had a dollar for every time I attracted a man because of that, I'd be RICH.
He had chosen a pickup line for a psychiatrist, for me. It says 'you are so fine, my brain is changing structure just to process it'. WOW.
I just told him I'm a lecturer in hopes of more pickup lines. Let's see what he can do. Stay tuned.
He's probably googling. Sorry for the delay, guys.
Oh, he is typing.
Oh no, he stopped typing. He's probably confused.
He said he's having a hard time because he has never flirted with teachers before. The only time he did, his teacher said 'I don't accept stoners and boners in my class'. So he is a stoner.
Correction. He WAS a stoner. He cannot go to the court stoned, can he now?
Y'all judge too fast.
He said the perk of dating him would be me getting away with anything, even murder. Now that escalated quickly.
He is now in my blocklist and I've blacklisted lawyers too. Thank you for listening.
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