Hi. Friendly neighborhood teacher here with a thread about the unpaid emotional labor of teaching. Buckle in.

1st: what is emotional labor? For our purposes here I'm talking about the ADDITIONAL emotional labor that teachers perform OUTSIDE of their normal job function.
Everyday Job Function: managing co-workers, staying pumped for classes, managing your classroom. Teaching difficult topics.

Unpaid Emotional labor: Handling the emotions and traumas of students: Parent, Counselor, Cheerleader, protector.
Teachers are often trusted adults in the lives of children. I believe the older a student gets - the more this manifests.

Society EXPECTS that we help kids (I think it's gender related but I digress), and we do, but we are not trained to guide them through many things.
So, rewind this whole year. How many of you were trolled with people saying "MeNtAl HeAlTh" of students? Because I was - a lot.

But here's the thing - I'm a protector and a mandated reporter - not a counselor. YET, somehow I'm expected to be a counselor.
Let me give an example. In the last two weeks we've had students:

Tell us about past abuse
Come out
Change pronouns
Tell us they may get kicked out of the house
Tell us they are thinking about running away
More serious MH issues

We do not have a guidance counselor.
Ok...so what? Why is this important?

Well because I'm the trusted adult, and spend a lot of time helping students through these issues. But this is actually A HUGE AMOUNT of emotional labor - that I don't get paid for.

Yet - am expected to do.
Now, before you're like "that's why you got into teaching" or "it's part of the job" or "admin shouldn't make you do it."

No, those are not valid arguments. Admin doesn't make those kids come to me - they do it themselves. Funding doesn't give proper RESOURCES for other options.
Ok, so what? You may still be asking. What's the point of this thread?

1. Teachers provide a huge amount of unpaid emotional labor that impacts their everyday lives.
2. We are not supported by large swaths of society.
3. Funding does not necessarily provide proper resources
So how do we change?

1. Pay teachers more.
2. Provide more MH resources to schools (and funding).
3. Guidance Counselors should be a must for ALL grades.
4. Community outreach programs for kids.
5. Don't yell at teachers on twitter. Literally, you don't scare us.
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