I’ll just leave it at this (in regards to my Panini tweet). I’m really not attacking anyone. I’m disappointed in a section of the hobby right now. There really is nothing I can do about it other than be disappointed. I welcome new collectors (cont)
(Cont). I love to answer questions, make recommendations, and share my experiences. I don’t know what can be done to give equal opportunity in the hobby. We may be past that point and I should lower my expectations. Some say this is great. Some say this is the new hobby. (Cont)
(Cont) but it doesn’t mean the old part of the hobby has to go away. Some collectors will never change. And that’s not a bad thing. There should be room for all levels of collectors. But that is slowly becoming a false narrative. Yes, I’m continuing to do what I do (Cont)
(Cont) Collecting the way I want and finding joy in other parts of the hobby. I enjoy the community members who enjoy collecting, no matter if you started today or 50 years ago. Bottom line of this weird tweet - I’m tired. I’m bitter. I’m disappointed. (Cont)
(Cont) I’m a different collector than I was 2 years ago because I’ve been forced to change. I don’t know where my place is. I’m searching right now. I’m just sort of floating along and treading water. I’ll find my way. But right now, I’m as detached as I’ve been in a long time.
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