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i understand that people struggle to tell when something is zionist propaganda.

i’m hoping this thread will make it a bit easier to distinguish information if you ever try to do your own research

i list 2 things to look out for and why.

the reason i list this as number one is because it is the strongest and most effective tool being used to villainize palestinians and victimize israelis.

words like CONFLICT, CLASH, or WAR implies there are two equal sides to this. that simply isn’t true.
palestinians are indigenous to palestine, and israelis are violent colonizers who actively have been forcing people out of their homes through violent means since 1948. don’t let words like CONFLICT confuse you.
the name of the israeli military is the israeli DEFENCE force (IDF). when using words like DEFENCE it implies there’s something for israelis to defend against. that again, isn’t true.

the IDF uses tanks, explosives, tear gas, and brute force to harm palestinians—
—while the most palestinians use are rocks or homemade bombs that dont do nearly as much damage. don’t let words like SELF DEFENCE confuse you either.

you think israeli news is the only one guilty of zionist propaganda? well the USA funnels BILLIONS of dollars into israel so it’s no surprise american news outlets are just as guilty of propaganda as israeli ones.
this includes fox news, CNN, and just about any other news source you can think of.

look for news sources that are palestinian if you want to avoid zionist propaganda.

here are currently relevant twitter accounts to check out: https://twitter.com/dalya_masri/status/1391867508139851777
i’ll add more stuff as i see fit but i hope this thread helps a little. honestly i’d avoid things like google mainly cuz it shows the most popular stuff before anything else, and it’s almost always zionist propaganda. listen to actual palestinians.
theyre more accessible now than ever before. i’m palestinian but i am not physically there, so i’m relying on social media for updates just like i know a lot of you are
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