The "pandemics" pretext of course! It has been at the forefront of elite planning for a long time.

How this particular virus "started" is secondary. One does not have to get into that territory in order to call out the whole deceit.
It's not controversial to say this. If you believe it *is* outlandish or controversial then you have to put forward a reasoned argument explaining why the argument has nothing going for it.
The Covid scandal is a pretext/vehicle which puts all historical precedents & puts all other pretexts/vehicles to shame!
It is being used to institute a new authoritarian era of domination/control, and the de-lefted left have turned into the cruelest, nastiest enforcement officers doing the bidding of those behind it.
The Swine flu scandal is a very important event in recent history that most people have forgotten.
Isn't it sociopathic to deliberately & dishonestly create a global pandemic "scare pretext" based on a false state of panic/emergency in order to make greedy pharmaceutical corporations even more wealthy and powerful?
If they attempted this just 11 years ago, why would they not attempt it again?
Do you agree that it is not good to disregard such horrific crimes & historical precedents which shows how power operates?

Isn't it irresponsible and unethical to rubbish bringing these up?
The time is sure more "ripe" now. Because, technologically-speaking, we are closer to the ultimate surveillance platform to lay the foundations for the new Global Governance paradigm & the new era of biosecurity.
A decade after Swine Flu, artificial intelligence, automation, blockchain, etc is much more advanced; to change the nature of jobs, manufacturing & to completely reshape human society, food supplies & the economy for centralised 21st century ultra-capitalism.
This is not "conspiracy theory" talk. Ask yourself when has power ever NOT sought maximum domination/control?

When has that ever happened in history?
If one is not visibly combatting the injustices & iniquities surrounding this global scandal, or at least engaging in the various issues raised (which are all about power, oppression, propaganda, lies, corruption)...

How can one call oneself left?
You don't have to go down any rabbit holes, you can just focus on the fundamental injustices/iniquities of clampdown measures, state-corporate interventions and the lies used to justify them.
These horrific injustices and iniquities are all unchallenged by a huge number of so-called Leftwing anti-establishment people. It's depressing.

Clearly they aren't anti-establishment at all.
Any self-respecting leftist is supposed to oppose Top-Down abuse of power (state power in bed with unelected, unaccountable private power).

Shame so many calling themselves left have shown that they are perfectly happy to roll over & let power tickle their tummies.
The theme of "pandemics" being the next "invisible enemy" pretext/vehicle, orchestrated for the next phase of domination/control makes sense. To ignore this — or to at least not have any thoughtful inquiry into this — is shameful.
It's just too friendly to power and ignorant of historical precedents to put what has happened since 2020 as "down to a global occurrence in nature being seized upon by opportunistic politicians."
It undermines the massive plans to turn humanity into cattle and into data to be surveilled. Assets in a global inventory. Have you read any of the research of Alison McDowell? She puts system-serving frauds like Naomi Klein to shame.
Does the theme of "pandemics" as a pretext have nothing going for it? i.e. a new invisible enemy smokescreen? Previously we had "the cold war" pantomime theatre, "the war on terror" etc.
These are vehicles/pretexts necessary to institute new global controls & domination over the people, right?

We know that the state-corporatocracy can't just go ahead an do these, right? They need a cover, right?
Is it outlandish to talk of totalitarian domination/control of populations by a criminal state in bed with unelected, unaccountable private wealth & power? People's voices/the illusory crumbs of democracy stamped out for good?
You don't have to go back far in history to see the deceit and the pretexts/vehicles for power to slip in new methods of control and domination.

Just go back a decade or two.

The WMD lies. The War On Terror. Governments all around the world benefited from citizen clampdowns.
And the modern era of citizen surveillance and control was all done in the name of "security", "keeping us safe" and "protecting us" from terrorism that the world's superpowers were deliberately creating more of around the globe.
What kind of a world do you think we live in?

Look at the 2008 crash which destroyed the lives of millions upon millions of ordinary people around the world.

Not only did the criminal elite corporations behind that *not get punished* — they actually *got rewarded*
Just like the War On Terror was not about protecting people from terrorism; it was about:

A. an imperialist agenda overseas—oil region control

B. a domestic political agenda—increased surveillance of citizens

C. deliberately creating MORE TERRORISM in the world to justify A&B.
You think this is looney conspiracism?
Surely it's more outlandish to believe you live in a society where 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 in alliance with 𝙪𝙣𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧 has your best interests at heart?

When has that happened EVER in all of history?
If it was a real pandemic (bodies piling up everywhere) & a real state of emergency, governments would be expected to snap into gear & deal with it.
It's better to have the luxury/freedom to run, undisturbed, a global experiment & see how far they can push their desired new era of techno fascism.
Here's a piece of news footage which "slipped through the net"...
If we imagine a real crisis (e.g. a pandemic wiping out the population, or a war situation, bombings, etc).

What would happen in the middle of such genuine catastrophes?
What would happen?

Power *would* be trying to calm (verb) any state of panic and fear occurring among the population.

Instead, what do we see? The opposite!
24/7 fear porn!
Another rabbit hole you can avoid. Just look at the ONS stats! It hasn't been a year of death unlike other years, has it?
Respiratory illnesses have always existed.

This is the first time the fake left cared about safety.

Why didn't they behave like they're behaving now back in 2019, 2018, 2017 & every year of their lifetimes?

The world was just as dangerous back then, wasn't it?
Why weren't they calling for lockdowns decades ago, and demanding we remain locked down forever?

Is it just today's 24/7 fear porn they have been swallowing?
Look at what is happening around you. Look at the censorship. Look at the lengths power is going to to silence people.

Look at the dishonesty in the discursive landscape. Look at the infantile baby-talk narratives.
The vaccine programme is part of the manufactured "War On Covid" which is nothing to do with public health; it's about pushing a political agenda which is going to shaft you and your children/grandchildren big time.

It is 100% about total domination/control.
Fascism doesn't arrive by brute force (which carries a greater risk of blacklash).

It arrives dressed as "politeness", "kindness", "caring" & "public health" (greater chance of public consent).

It's always under the banner of "for your own safety".
The dominant narratives today are totally "power-friendly", purely in the interests of those who want us imprisoned, atomised, lonely, weak, afraid.

Confused individuals controlled by division & fear.

Dysfunctional lives. Immune systems wrecked.
If you are living under "rule by diktat" (i.e. "Do what we say or face the consequences") then you're in a dictorship! Increased decision-making by unelected, unaccountable private power. We're also close to a militarised police state (using unaccountable private security thugs).
But today's state-corporate fascists don't send out — as a first port of call — jackbooted thugs with machine guns.

It's in power's interests to get the public's consent & get the public doing their bidding for them.

This is the smarter way, and this is what we're seeing.
The discourse, or lack thereof, is being dominated by tone deaf blowhards, encouraging people to not question the severity of Covid as a justification for what's beem happening, to uncritically LET it happen.
The human/economic cost of lockdowns/interventions ECLIPSES the threat of the virus.

Even the WHO says this.
Ethics 101: One must fight against the greater human injustices/iniquities which are going to harm the most people.
The deceit = the lies and deception, deliberately being spread in the interests of power.

Concerned about NHS wards and overworked staff? NHS staff were exhausted every year. Every flu season ICU wards are full. Parroting mainstream fear porn doesn't help the NHS.
If these virtue-signalling prostitutes truly cared about the NHS they'd be fighting against its deliberate destruction, rather going along with the pretence of making out that Covid is responsible for crippling an *already-(deliberately)-crippled* NHS.
All that does is give justification for the total destruction of the NHS and the shafting of millions of people who desperately need free healthcare — a basic human right.
You have to ask yourself "Why is everything the Socialist Sunday/Labour tittle-tattle crowd is saying exactly the same as the mainstream media?"

They've disgraced themselves & abandoned the most basic values/principles.
In 2009 Jacques Attali, one of the big elite players, a globalist and Bilderberger, advisor to President François Mitterrand & others stated that World Government could be ushered in on the back of a pandemic.
Here's the PDF of the 2010 Lockstep paper published by the Rockefeller Foundation.

It will surely make anyone's blood run cold — it's describing what has been happening since 2020. Take the words at face value. There's no need for "wild interpretation".
It's absolutely clear that the pretext of "pandemics" is just another weapon in the arsenal of ruling elites plans for domination/control. Been planned a long time.
This engineered pretext is all about power systems & global elites shaping society in their own interests & ensuring people don't have any say (i.e. destroying democracy).
The new vision of the world is boasted about by the powerful institutions doing it. Again, you don't need to go down any rabbit holes, you can get it all from the horse's mouth.
If it comes from THEIR mouths (TED Talks, filmed summit events, interviews) and if it comes from THEIR published information (brochures, white papers, websites, promos) then you haven't got a leg to stand on if you're going to say it's looney conspiracism.
All one needs to to is read the words (THEIR OWN WORDS). The Rockefeller Foundation's purpose is elite global planning — Rockefeller, Gates Foundation, WEF, IMF, Bilderburg, etc. — we don't need to invent "conspiracy theories".

Take words at face value.
Whether "Lockstep" and other exercises (e.g. by Bill Gates' institutions, Agenda 21, 30 etc) were part of contingency planning or running "simulations" is neither here nor there.
They still provide evidence of the mindset of powerful elite institutions who are major players in how the world is run.
The fact that this kind of thinking is on their radar should be enough for us to say that we are not going to sit back and watch this happen.
Loads of other examples too. This has been on the table of the ruling elites for a long time. They've just been waiting for the right moment.
Just like the antisemitism smear campaign (which back then was one of the biggest scandals in recent political history) had the entire media machine & the establishment on its side—today it's Covid & many who were against the antisemitism smears have now adopted the same tactics.
It's getting late in the day for deciding what side of history you're going to be on.

How are your children, grandchildren going to remember you?
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