~ Been 100% sober for two days after being inebriated for almost a year and my experiences will be written in this thread ~
I’d like to start by saying I’m not going straight edge or quitting any addictions I don’t have any real withdrawals symptoms the stuff I used to inebriate myself was mainly weed and sometimes shrooms or alcohol when it was not weed; I definitely was doing these things
A lot more than I should especially because of the point of my life I’m in cause 19 is quite a popular age to develop drug addictions, for various reasons so I am just chilling out on everything cause I realized I was just doing it to fill time and not for the right reasons
I’d like to say I don’t think weed is bad or addictive whatsoever and I’m not having any horrible with drawl symptoms from it at all but I did form a bit of dependency I think but that’s dependency is easily breakable and shouldn’t be compared to an addiction whatsoever
Check the other comments attached to this thread for info on what this is ab in more detail but basically here’s my experience: it almost feels like waking up from a half dream state like when you have a rough night sleeping and are half awake the whole time and it feels like-
It feels like you’ve been laying half asleep for HOURS and then you wake up kinda groggy not fully rested but you feel that transition between sleepy dream state and being fully conscious that’s what being sober for two days after smoking every day for almost a year feels like
As well as like you know how most normal people can feel themselves get high but not feel themselves go back to sober it just all of a sudden happens? It’s the opposite for me cause being high is more of a natural state then sobriety atp
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