sam and dean working with prostitution when john is on hunts so they have money to buy food but they only go as a pair. sam found out dean was doing that, got mad with jealousy and asked to go with him the next time. dean refused, he wouldn't let anyone touch his baby brother. +
+ one day sam follows him and just when dean is almost on his knees on a dark alley he sees sam watching. the problem is the client, an old disgusting man, sees it too and asks sam to get closer. dean is on his feet immediately, saying that he would kill him if he touched sam. +
+ but the man offers them money. enough so dean won't need to be on his knees for the rest of the month. he says no at the same time sam says yes. it starts like this. at home dean apologizes over and over. sam says it's okay, they're going to be okay. +
+ sam says it's better like that. he wouldn't need to be alone, scared, waiting for dean to come back safe. and like that they could watch over each other. they start to only get clients together. "both of us or nothing" dean says, sam holding his hand. +
+ and the thing is, there are a lot of perverts out there willing to pay to be watched. the first time they touch each other is when a client asks "wanna try?" to sam. dean's mouth is off him and ready to tell him to fuck off when he feels sam kneeling by his side. +
+ "sammy, no-" he tries, but sam interrupts him with "i want to." and he does and dean wants to die the moment he feels himself getting hard watching sam opening his mouth. his insides are on fire and he could kill that man right there if he wasn't busy watching sam. +
+ he licks at first, tasting. dean should be protecting him, not this, never this. a hand at the back of his neck interrupts his thoughts. it's the guy trying to get him closer too. he looks at sam and sam is looking at him. his baby brother nods. +
+ they work the guy at the same time, licking, taking their time sucking and sam is a quick learner. and then they go at the same time and their lips touch. between them the cock of a unknown man. sam moans, dean almost come on his pants. +
+ they go back to the hotel that night with a incredible amount of money and the taste of come on their tongues. they share the same bed that night, holding each other close. "I'm sorry." dean whispers to sam in the dark. "It's okay." sam says. "I wanted to." +
"why?" dean can't understand. but sam explains: "you look beautiful doing it."

the thing is, there's a lot of perverts willing to pay to be watched. but a lot more to watch. and they're secretly just waiting, everytime, for the next client who will ask them to touch each other.
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