If you tell me you’re autistic, self dx or not, I will always believe you unconditionally. Even if I don’t see it, I trust you.

Allistics posing as autistic people has not been a problem. Autistic gatekeepers however are.
I’ve never see anyone claim to be autistic for clout, probably because one stereotype is we are incapable of speaking for ourselves and imitation would likely fall into mockery fast.

I’m sure some have tried, but it’s so rare to be near nonexistent.
Pretty much everyone who self dx’s has spent years wondering and researching or someone else who is autistic spotted the tells and called it.

But even if you’re wrong, I’d rather a few people mistakenly dx than close the community off completely.
What I do see is other autistic people insisting their experience is the true one (it’s called a spectrum for a reason, no not everyone is on it, shut up Karen), or self dx is not valid because we can’t know, which shows a very insular understanding of autism.
I’ve seen autistics who are performing to NT expectations IE only validating medicine and telling us our problems aren’t real because what about the “severely autistic?”

Frankly autistic assholes are a bigger problem.
Like I said.
Have you read anything I tweeted? Why would you expect this comment to elicit anything but mockery? Get the fuck out, you’re not welcome in my space.
Comments like that are a mock and block. Just FYI.
Folks, feel free to educate the Donut, just please untag. I blocked them quickly.

They’re saying it’s ridiculous to diagnose oneself with an illness disorder, which if you’ve followed me for twenty minutes you know how ignorant that is.
More on self dx.
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