My hot take on the restaurant staff “shortage”
1) yes, we are receiving fewer applications than we considered normal before the pandemic. No, my restaurant is not facing a hiring crisis. We can’t interview and hire candidates fast enough.
What is lacking isn’t candidates, it’s probably your imagination or fundamental approach to hiring and business.
Yes, America’s sexist economic system forced many women from the workforce when the pandemic struck and kids were sent home from school. There are still 2 million women out of the workforce.
If you’re having trouble filling positions, maybe look around a bit and put away your racist preferences for white people to populate your front of house. There are plenty of people of color looking to work and who want to work.
If they’re not applying at your restaurant, maybe they see you and don’t want to apply somewhere they won’t feel welcome or valued. Maybe change up the facade your company puts forward.
Stop complaining people don’t want to work and bitching about unemployment benefits. There are workers available if you’re willing to invest in people, develop them professionally, and commit to building a diverse workplace, then you won’t have so much trouble finding help.
And maybe try not to be such a shitty employer. Then maybe people will want to work for you.
The lazy ones in this predicament are restaurant owners and corporate management, who can’t bother themselves to look in the mirror and become better at what they do so that people will want to work in their businesses. And a little humility goes a long way.
Now get out there and become a better employer (pro tip: it’s not ALL about money) and stop bitching about people not wanting to work for you. Be a company people want to work for. Full stop I’m tired of all y’all’s griping it’s childish and you’re not helping anyone.
You can follow @PaulFehribach.
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