Take a journey with me into the mind of a THINKER
Every single one of these gems was forged within days of each other in what must have been an absolutely dizzying spell of ecstatic inspiration.
His *mind*
I think @nhannahjones broke him
My friend M Stone raises a good question here. This sometimes comes up so it's perhaps worth my time to explain why I continue to give Lindsay attention.

Because, unfortunately, it is *not* the case that "everyone knows he's damaged." https://twitter.com/M_Stone969/status/1391860460593553423?s=20
Lindsay has a gigantic following. Out of that vast followership, I suspect that a subset of it are people who sense that leftist identitarianism can be excessive and who, for whatever reason, have found themselves looking to Lindsay as a guide. I think this is bad for them.
They will ultimately be led astray by him. Lindsay is every bit the fanatical binarist the people he most loudly decries (Kendi, DiAngelo) are. He's an unimaginably sloppy thinker, a shill for destructive political interests, and a legendarily bad faith interlocutor.
So one reason I engage with his tweets is to show to whatever overlapping community of readers we share, or just to people broadly of the position that "wokeism" is a problem, that they should look elsewhere to develop or sharpen these convictions. Lindsay ain't it.
I say a little bit more here in case it's of interest. https://twitter.com/bernybelvedere/status/1364759273696329729?s=20
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