1/ The group of hackers known as DarkSide who shut down the Colonial Pipeline are way more professional than you might think

a thread about the organization that brought the nation's largest oil pipeline to its knees
2/ DarkSide operates in the ransomware business

In other words, they gain access to sensitive data and hold it hostage until the target pays to get it back

But DarkSide takes this to another level
3/ A highly professional level

The group has a help desk, a victim helpline, a code of conduct, and even donates a portion of their profits to charity

CNBC describes the org as "the evil twin of a Silicon Valley software start-up."
4/ It's in a lucrative industry

Last year, average cyberattack ransoms paid in the US increased more than 3x to $310,000+, according to the firm Coveware.
5/ Even the business models are similar to Silicon valley

Wired reported last year that the developers of a ransomware called Maze likely use an affiliate model where they get a cut of any money hackers make using their product

Think of it as ransomware-as-a-service
6/ DarkSide really wants to be seen as "good"

It lists "protected" organizations on its website which include hospitals, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies

"Our goal is to make money, [not create] problems for society," its website reads.
7/ But behind this veneer of professionalism are real consequences

In the case of Colonial Pipeline, the hack disrupted the the main source of diesel, gasoline, and jet fuel for most of the East Coast.

And if a ransom isn't paid, DarkSide leaks the sensitive data it obtains
8/ Organizations like DarkSide, who hide being a veil of professionalism, aren't going away any time soon

Last week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called ransomware one of his “most significant priorities right now.”
9/ Bottom line

DarkSide is a wolf in Silicon Valley's clothing

Charity donations, help lines, and "do not hack" lists are all designed to send companies like Colonial Pipeline a message

"We're professionals. You're in good hands. But resistance is futile"
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