I wanna try and do card pulls for each sign to see if I am able to resonate with anybody. Here we go ✨
Aries (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Two cards flew out for y’all, The Hanged Man and the Ten of Swords Rx. Some of you might be feeling trapped or as though you’ve been holding onto something that you aren’t ready to let go of. It’s time to release yourself from whatever it is -
That you have been holding onto. It is no longer beneficial for you to continue the same cycle and use the same old habits to approach conflict. It’s only holding you back from reaching your goals. The Ten of Swords in reverse is telling y’all to learn from the past and let it go
Because otherwise you will have to repeat this cycle again. Free yourself now, before Spirit has to put you through it all again. I am getting “How many times do I have to tell you this?!?!” Vibes from this pull. You won’t be able to avoid this cycle forever. It’s time to face it
Taurus (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
This card flew out before I could finish saying “Taurus” so I think this is a loud message for you guys. I pulled the King of Pentacles. This represents hard work paying off and achieving what you want. This card to me is saying that right -
Now is a very prosperous time for you, Taurus. You have been dedicating yourself to something for a long time, working towards what you want. I’m seeing you are finally reaping the rewards and you’re feeling very accomplished - as you should!! This card could also mean that you
Are approaching a time of financial or material stability. You will be compensated for your efforts and financial abundance is very likely during this time. If you have been feeling low recently, this is a sign that very soon you will be thriving again. You are divinely supported
Gemini (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Same as Taurus, this message flew out almost instantly. It’s the Seven of Wands. This could mean a bunch of things, but my intuition is telling me that you’re being hard headed. You may feel the need to stay in control of a situation, and in
Turn, you feel out of control of yourself. You’re holding your own, which is good! But be aware of how this can impact those who you care for. Don’t be so stubborn as to not take accountability for your own actions. You could have every right to be feeling how you feel, but also
Don’t try to place blame on anyone. It’s never anybody’s fault, sometimes shit just happens. Definitely protect yourself, as you may feel like you’re under attack right now. But, release your need to control, find peace in letting things happen on their own and being an observer.
Almost forgot!! Card for Gemini 😁
Cancer (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Idk why my deck is yelling so loud today but this card also popped out before I could finish my question!! I pulled the Knight of Pentacles Rx. This could be referring to you, Cancer, or possibly someone close to you, family member or close
Friend. This card is telling me that you or someone you know is not being truthful. Either with themselves or with someone close to them. Or maybe you or someone close to you has been slacking lately. You could have a relationship where you or the other person isn’t very reliable
And maybe you or they feel like they’re getting the shit end of the stick. Be aware of who you trust, as there are people close to you who wish to see you fail. Also make sure you’re putting your all into your work and you aren’t half-assing anything right now. Be extra careful.
Leo (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Wow spirit is really loud today. But for you, Leo, I have some wonderful news!! For you guys, I pulled The Wheel Of Fortune (Major Arcana # 10) which is represented with the Draco constellation in this deck! This is always one of my favorite
Cards I can pull for anybody. It’s very positive and it signifies big changes coming! These changes are nothing to fear, though, as they are destined to raise your vibration and bring you a step closer to achieving your highest self!! Something beautiful is on the horizon for you
Leo’s, and I am very happy to tell you that, even though the process might not be fun, the destination you are heading towards is exactly where you need to be. This could also represent a soulmate or a karmic relationship. Regardless, you’ll be better off in the end. This is fate
Virgo (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Have you been overspending?? Spirit is saying it’s time to be more conservative with your funds at this point in time. You might be struggling financially, maybe some of you have been struggling for quite a while and it feels like a never end-
Ing cycle of struggle. I’m seeing that some of you might have lost a job, or maybe you were offered a job recently and chose not to take it. You could be feeling unstable and insecure right now when it comes to your finances. That’s okay. Sometimes we need to wait it out, as your
Time for abundance is yet to come. Right now is a time to be aware of how much your spending and to not be too impulsive with your purchases. Be responsible when making financial decisions at this time. Check your bank balance frequently. Save now so you can spend later.
Will be finishing Libra-Pisces a bit later ✨💕
Libra (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
For my beautiful Libra placements I pulled The Hermit (number 9 in Major Arcana) which is represented in this deck as Haley’s Comet. Right now is a time of self-reflection. You may feel yourself being guided towards a new path, which is never-
A fun thing to experience, it’s actually very draining. Spirit is asking you to take some time to yourself, you are being guided by Spirit, but you also must follow the path they are guiding you down. This means you have to reflect on where you’ve been and how far you have come.
You’re being asked to find yourself again in a new way. You’re being reborn in a sense, don’t resist. Take time to search within you and find what you’ve been lacking, where you need to improve. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, move forward to a new journey. You’re leveling up
Scorpio (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
Oh boy. One of the things this card could represent is “being too intense.” Scorpio, I feel like this isn’t a big surprise. You’ve probably been through this all before. Whatever is feeling too intense, whether that be your emotions or maybe
How you’re being perceived by others, it’s really holding you back. You feel stagnant and bored with where you are. Maybe you feel stuck in the day to day, not doing the things that bring you joy. It’s time to bring some fun back into your life. You can feel like something is ho-
lding you back, but you can’t really identify exactly what it is. Well I’m here to tell you, it’s only temporary. You’re feeling blocked right now, but blockages don’t last forever. Try to find something that brings you joy right now, get out of your head and back into your heart
Sagittarius (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
For you guys I pulled The Empress (Major Arcana # 3) which in this deck is represented by Venus. If you and your partner have been trying for a baby, good news!! This card represents fertility and motherhood. If you have been trying to
Get pregnant, your likelihood of becoming a family is heightened right now. This could also mean that maybe you need to become more comfortable in your femininity. Maybe you have been ignoring your emotions and hoping they will just go away on their own. Welp. Unfortunately,
That isn’t how it works. It’s time to feel them. Listen to what your heart is telling you, and listen to your intuition. You may find that people might start coming to you for support, comfort, or empathy. You’re being asked to be a nurturer to these people, the kind you lacked.
Capricorn (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
I love this card so much!! Okay babes, for you I pulled The Star (Major Arcana # 17) which is represented by Polaris - the northern most star and the star used by our ancestors to compute directions! This card is telling me that you all
Are experiencing a healing period. You may have just completed an old cycle and you’re feeling very content with where you are now. You’re outlook is positive, and if it isn’t, it’s time to shift towards a more positive POV. This card represents hope and inspiration, so if you’ve
Been feeling down lately, or if you have felt hopeless, this is your sign to never give up hope in yourself. The universe is asking you to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. Maintain a positive mindset and manifest your dreams into reality! Inspiration is coming!
Aquarius (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
For my lovely aquas I had two cards fly out. First is The Hanged Man (Major Arcana # 12) Rx represented by the Capricornicus constellation, followed by the Queen of Swords Rx. You guys might be feeling stuck in your bad habits. You could be
Feeling not only stagnant, but you are also lacking the motivation to dig yourself out. You might even be feeling partly detached from reality at this point in time. You need to be aware of these negative characteristics that you possess and be careful not to take them out on the
Ones you love and care about. You might be angry, bitter, and maybe even spiteful. Maybe you’ve distanced yourself from those close to you to protect them from your wrath. Whatever is causing you to feel this way needs to be addressed. You are being called to face yourself.
Pisces (sun, moon, rising, dominant):
First things first, take a deep breath. For you, Pisces, I pulled the Eight of Wands Rx. I’m seeing you’re not in a very good place right now. You could be feeling like what you’ve desired for so long is taking way too long to get there. You
Want results now, but you have to relax. You will see the results in divine timing, for now you need to keep your head up and continue working hard. You could be feeling impatient and uneasy as you wait for your dreams to come true. But the truth is, you might have stopped trying
Maybe you just weren’t ready. Whatever it is, just because you want it now, doesn’t mean it’s coming now. You have to practice patience and you can’t give up. What you want is fully attainable, you just can’t let yourself become discouraged by setbacks. You have to keep fighting.
If this resonated for you, please let me know! I am an aspiring tarot reader who is interested in possibly becoming a full time energy worker one day! I’m currently working on building a platform so that I can share my gifts with the world! Thank you for all the support and love!
I would also like to credit my source; I use http://thetarotguide.com  for the meanings of each card. If you’re new to tarot I highly recommend this site as a study tool. The deck I used for this thread is The Constellation Deck ~ Silver Edition ~ created by Iryna Semenova 💕✨🔮
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