I've been thinking a lot about how both Plato and Kepler took the fact that there are definitely only five regular polyhedrons and just assumed that that meant something.
It seems like it would mean something. It's wild...I mean, look at these beauties. And only five? Like, four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, twelve-sided, twenty-sided, and then NO MORE FOREVER?!!
But then the problem is thinking, once you notice something this amazing and cool...it must mean something, right? Plato thought these were what the atoms of reality looked like. Kepler thought they were the shells of the orbits of planets.
There are two things at work here:
One, when you're thinking about something, you see everything else in that frame. Just like we all do all day every day, seeing reality in the light of the most sticky, interesting, recent, cool thing.
But the other is that we want things to make sense. Like, how beautiful would it have been if all of the orbits had been defined by the inner shells of the regular polyhedra.

But nature doesn't care what we think would be cool or aesthetic. Reality doesn't care about the vibe.
Oh no...there are 48 regular polyhedra. Take that Plato.
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