This will be long so bear with. It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and for almost a year I’ve been in therapy that has truly saved my life. Here are my thoughts:

1. It takes time to find the right therapist, it’s ok if you don’t click with someone or feel they aren’t right for you.
2. It’s really hard work. You have to put the effort in and be strict with yourself.

3. Not every therapy works for everyone. I’m doing a mixture of DBT and trauma therapy, amongst other things. There are so many different therapies, find what helps you.
4. It can be really frustrating. You can feel like nothing’s changing. But I promise you it is.

5. Recovery isn’t linear. You can be doing everything ‘right’, be in a good place and suddenly experience a crisis. It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up, dust yourself off and try again.
6. You have to want to get better. It sounds harsh or obvious but therapy doesn’t work unless you want it to.

7. You’re not weak, or ‘admitting defeat’. Everyone needs therapy. Everyone. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s a sign of strength.
8. It’s ok if you realise your diagnosis/es are not quite right. You know you. Do not self diagnose but if something isn’t adding up, say it.

9. Your therapist isn’t your friend. Your friend isn’t your therapist. This is hard, believe me. But it’s vital to remember.
10. Therapy and medication often go hand in hand. For me, I need them both and cannot rely on either on its own.

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