Humanity has been subjected to the greatest social engineering experiment in history. Using emotions& confusing, constantly changing self-contradicting ideas is aimed to keep the public in a state of uncertainty&ever doubting their own ability to critically access the situation.1
Using emotions is an easy&effective way to bypass the rational register and graft just about any notion regardless of how illogical or preposterous it may sound to reason.
Govt's&their agents are constantly bombarding us with manipulative lies under the guise of emotional pleas2
We hear these mantras daily coming from top public health officials stating how exhausted they are validating your actual exhaustion from this torturous situation.3/
It is nothing short of a gaslighting technique to shame&guilt you into staying the course on this dangerous path of self-destruction. 4/
You, the little guy! How dare you complain of exhaustion? Don't be selfish and keep whipping yourself daily - it's the only way to keep yourself honest and stay away from selfish notions that defy the narrative. 5/
Same gov't-appointed agents who have not missed a single paycheque, made millions since the beginning of this war are telling you they are way more exhausted than you think you are, ...6/
...because they work hard to keep you safe while you are only asked to stay home and do nothing besides follow orders.
How evil! The only exhaustion I see is the one that comes from keeping all the lies in line. Yeah, I can see how this can be exhausting.7/
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