đź”´ A negligible effort to ensure as many eyeballs see this and start asking the right questions about #SaveSheikhJarrah #AlAqsaUnderAttack #AlAqsaMosque #alaqsa #Jerusalem #Palestine.

đź”´ This might be a useful starting point for background information:
I've never been an "activist" type person but during http://freetalha.org  I experienced personally how even the smallest act of goodwill was a source of comfort. It all accumulates. It's about absolving a moral urge to act. Small is better than nothing. Each drop an ocean is.
If anyone wants to feel "helpless", it should be the people on the ground at #SheikhJarrah. Instead, they demonstrate defiance and courage against militarized lawfare. Never belittle sincere small acts of good neither for reward in the hereafter nor for its ripple effect here.
I understand the cynicism over this exercise however continue making "unreasonable" demands until a ground swell ensures the powers that be come to a #Hudaybiyyah compromise finally recognising you are a force to reckon with. You are responsible to act. Outcome is in God's Hands.
You can follow @TalhaAhsanEsq.
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