Updating this with correct table on hesitancy. Now in this thread.

Also: Emphasizing that my concern is about a labor market friction and thinking through ways (plural!) to address it, not with vaccine safety. https://twitter.com/AbigailWozniak/status/1391049009251295242
Shares of those unsure about completing or starting vaccine series.
Hard to know details w/out microdata, but for many, hesitancy stems from multiple reasons (hence shares sum to much more than 1). However, doctor recommendation and cost not high among them.
Also, hesitancy around the Covid vaccines in particular appears deeper than other concerns that might lead to lower vaccination rates. About 1/3 reported distrusting Covid vaccines versus 10 + 5 percent suspecting vaccines broadly.
Stats in this thread use shares asked about their reasons from among all asked about hesitancy, per @uscensusbureau questionnaire.

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