every student on this intro studio midterm review had a 3 story building with skinny staircases as the *only* vertical circulation. no elevators even!

which tells me that the instructors don't really care about universal design as a fundamental principle. bummer!
my second studio ever we were not allowed to use stairs. ramps only! total pain in the ass at the time and i hated it but it really did change how i thought about buildings from that point forward. get this stuff laid down early!
luckily other reviewers also noticed this and are sort of putting people on blast.

but when it's everyone it's not a student issue! it's an instructor issue!

and treating it as secondary to a concept, as "nuts and bolts to figure out later" - not good either imo!
"oh yeah well it's an early studio, we haven't focused on real world stuff like egress, staircases, and things like that, we're more interested in the ~~concept~~"

yeah idk "able bodied people only past this point" is not a great ~~concept~~
too many exclamation points in this thread
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