I argue white tears is the most powerful form of oppression white women have. White women's tears trigger white men's rage. When a white woman cries a lynch mob is never far behind.

White Feminism's favorite weapon is tears. (thread) https://twitter.com/photon_barrier/status/1391519934363045889
Even outside hate crimes and policing violence (ex: 'white caller crime'), white women's tears are weaponized is every facet of our society —schools, jobs, relationships, housing, sports, etc— to oppress POC while maintaining their innocence via white supremacy's "purity myth".
White women hold immense power in patriarchal white supremacy by playing to men's "white knight" fantasies of saving a helpless damsel in distress and taking advantage of two major stereotypes: "women are delicate" and "the 'other' is dangerous".
In a workplace setting white tears/white fragility is leveraged most often to harass and punish WOC. The fear of even mildly upsetting a white woman co-worker or "else" effectively silences WOC's grievances since they are unprotected patriarchy's white knights.
Harassment of WOC at the workplace often comes as microagressions, which are difficult to fight against and often leads retaliation instead of accountability. This effectively oust perceived female "competition" in their industry by either getting them fired or to quit.
Imo this is why "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" is the perfect white feminist slogan bc in three words explains how white women's tears is abused to stifle WOC and then reframed as "girl power". White women's success is gained at the sacrifice of "othered" women.
Which begs the question, in a patriarchal white supremacist society how deeply has white women, in order to "break of the glass ceiling", carelessly cut and scarred the WOC below them, who are often also left to pick up their bloodied shards?
That's my annoying way of asking how has white feminism regressed WOC's social social mobility??? Does patriarchal white supremacy truly reward white women for their loyalty more than women's unity would, or is that perception an aspect of internalized misogyny???
Bit of history on how Black Feminists were pushed out of the suffrage movement and how white feminism involved since.
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