If a man ever asks you 'what do you bring to the table', sis I think you need to sit down and do some internal work.
For a man you are dating to ask you that question, that means you really have nothing of actual value to offer.
Stop letting femininity youtubers deceive you ...
Just because you are pretty does not mean you should not have anything valuable to add to people.
Yes take care of your looks, but invest in your mind.
Learn a language, learn about other cultures or sports.
Learn something.
How can the only thing you talk about be Celebrity gist?
I once said the bar is low for men but let us be honest in uni, I realised the bar is also very low for women.
You should add value to your mans life not just take, take and take.
If you want a transactional relationship the try sugar dating or escorting instead.
Imagine meeting a hustling young man who is trying to put his life together and all you want is ...
Gucci bags, trips to Greece etc.
I watch a lot of lifestyle influences on youtube, the ones that prioritise travel don't splurge on luxury goods, the ones who love luxury goods rarely travel.
Ladies please do better.
The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who adds value not a begging nuisance.
Do better.
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