6 lessons from turning 25:

Life update — officially in my mid twenties! Wild how time flies.

Cobbled together some of the big learnings from the past year.

I’ve come a long way, but there’s a hell of a long way to go.

Bet on yourself.

6 months ago I left the stability of full-time investing to put out my own shingle and set up shop.

When you take a swing under your own name, it forces accountability.

It's been pretty damn scary and stressful, but wildly fulfilling.
Design your dream world.

I've always loved the idea of world building, but never been good at it.

For the longest time, I let others make decisions for me. Bosses, friends, you name it.

I was living in the world of others, not one of my own design.

This year that changed.
Protect your energy.

You only have so many hours of focused time every day.

Be blunt about what drains you and what gives you energy.

Then, be intentional about making space for those energy drivers.
Start with the core.

Invest time in sleep, working out, and eating right. That's my core.

If that core is humming smoothly, everything else falls into place.

Every week, design your calendar around protecting the core.
Get comfortable alone.

My best thoughts come from time spent in solitude.

Long walks, solo travel, or just driving and blasting music alone.

I wasn't always happy alone. I had a lot of FOMO back in college

That changed this year. It’s hard at first, but worth the investment.
Remember to slow down.

My favorite memories are the little things. The things you only notice when you slow down and breathe.

Slow down to feel more.

More life, more love, all of it.
These were hard lessons, with a lot of ups and downs.

Growth is an ongoing battle to fall down, reflect, and get back up.

You’re never a finished product.

Keep going.
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