You Americans have hardened my heart more than you can even imagine, at this point I hope this entire country burns to the ground.
Some mfs don’t expect you to be angry about the fact the US funded terrorists in your country and then bombed your country for 20 years and all I gotta say to those people is say it to my fucking face.
Do you know how many people in my family have emotional issues as a result of war? Can you even imagine? I guarantee you my extended family’s bigger than yours (I’m afghan) and most of them do. Dozens of people at least and that’s just one family. I will be struggling with this
For the rest of my life. Americans have no idea how much pain they release onto the planet. But we are Afghan. We endure. We fight. And nothing brings me more joy than to know despite all that pain you Americans went back to your country like the blood thirsty losers you are
Some of y’all think I’m too harsh on the United States, but the unfortunate reality is I’m nowhere near harsh enough.
I just want to smoke weed and laugh and makes jokes, but instead I do this. Can you not see how much pain you all cause? I dont want to talk about these things. Have you no hearts or are the wallets of those fucking billionaires not large enough yet? I beg you don’t join the
Military. It’s not a game. This is real. People who get in contact with it, they get fucked up and those who dont were fucked up to begin with. Stay away, for your own fucking sake. You don’t want to see real war.
I’m sorry if I hurt anyone with this thread. I’m just angry and I have every right to be. I want nothing more for us all to live in peace. We need to take more action on the oligarchs who control the destiny of this nation.
If I told you how many people I lost to war, most of you wouldn’t even believe me.
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