Don't know what to tweet about?

Here's how to become an idea generation machine 👇
1) Understand that nothing is original

Trying to be original will only result in frustration. Nothing you see on a daily basis is truly original (if you think it is, you're likely just unaware of its true source)
But while there are no original messages, there ARE original messengers

Your goal is to copy other people's ideas and weave in your own perspective and personality
2) Copy like an artist

Instead of focusing your energy on trying to be original, channel it towards copying like an artist. Realize that copying does not equal plagiarism - your goal is to be inspired by other people's content, not pass it off as your own
There are two main techniques in copying like an artist:

A) The Birdsong Technique
B) Coal Mining
2A) The Birdsong Technique

If you go outside in spring, you'll likely hear birdsong. You may think, "This sounds pretty"

But if you're a bird expert, you'll be able to identify the songs of sparrows, or robins, or finches

Your goal is to identify copyable content
In the vast expanse of your Twitter feed, some tweets or threads have copyable elements. When you switch from your consumer hat to your creator hat, you can identify inspiration in others' tweets

Note: This is easier if the people you follow consistently post valuable content
For example, when seeing this tweet, I was inspired to write threads about:
- How to be authentic
- What authenticity means
- The benefits of being authentic
- What Twitter "hacks" to avoid
2B) Coal Mining

Coal Mining is a more active, deliberate form of copying. It entails using content "hot spots" (books, articles, blogs, etc.) for ideas

The goal is to be inspired by headings without reading the post itself (this ensures you're bringing in your own perspective)
For example, these are some popular posts on @IndieHackers. Skimming through this list sparked inspiration for a few threads about:
- How to validate an idea
- How to fail successfully
- What the freedom to quit means to me

Can you spot where this inspiration came from?
3) Be intentional about idea generation

Not everyone can multitask, so be deliberate about your content consumption vs "copy like an artist" time

Designate time each week for idea generation

If you do this consistently, you'll have more ideas than you know what to do with
A final tip: Once you've had an idea, record it in under 5 minutes

Our brains are built for idea creation, not idea retention
A big thank you to @AliAbdaal, whose strategies I have lovingly stolen for this thread

- Understand that nothing is original
- Copy like an artist (Birdsong Technique, Coal Mining)
- Be intentional about idea generation
- Record ideas in under 5 minutes

Thank you so much for reading!
You can follow @AprilynneA.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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