Today in debunking nonsense arguments against fat liberation-

"So you think you know better than ALL the doctors."

A numbered list-

1) It's not all the doctors.

There have been and continue to be doctors who do not advocate for weight based medical care.
2) There is NOT consensus in the scientific literature that being fat is bad.

Much the opposite.

When we get properly run studies we DO NOT see the results that people assume are happening
3) The "common sense" idea that fatness is somehow particularly bad for health is driven by media coverage.

And the media coverage is driven by an insatiable public desire for a path to thinness, a desire that drives clicks and views and therefore revenue.
There has been coverage of literal fake "obesity epidemic" results and no one seems to remember that, but it DID happen.

The CDC -MADE UP- fake "obesity" death stats that they had to retract after the Wall Street Journal did some basic fact checking.

4) Statistical models of mortality figures are nothing.
They literally mean NOTHING, and I know this because I looked into a paper that said that alcohol usage was causing 2.8 million
d e a t h s a year, the SAME number as the fake WHO figures...
That paper cited a group of people that included ages twenty to NINETY*

And extrapolated out 2.8 MILLION in excess mortality from like THREE people

*premature mortality in people who are NINETY YEARS OLD, what the actual FUCK, how long were they supposed to live for, Janet???
5) There is a hundreds of billions of dollars a year business focused on nothing but perpetuating fatphobia so people will continue to pay for a cure that DOES NOT WORK

for a problem the diet industry PAYS to make into the focus of all global health care
The diet industry is a perfect parasite for capitalism.

It sells you a cure that doesn't work for a problem that isn't even really a problem & convinces YOU tif you fail it's your fault

The cure never works, so you never lose the customer.
But they also never blame the product
So you can sell it for literally forever.

This is why all the legacy diet companies have been purchased by hedge funds.

And this industry is super great for the capitalists because it gives them a convenient and easily visible scapegoat for all the problems CAPITALISM causes
TW diet
Capitalists have had about a century to fine tune the diet industry into something that also operates to get individual people to reduce their calorie intake to below the point where they could think or fight back.

There is a REASON why starving prisoners is a war crime
The United States government used the existence of the diet industry as a JUSTIFICATION for committing the war crime of starving prisoners.

This shit is GRIM.
6) If you can understand the timeline of how the anti-vaxx Andrew Wakefield study got traction

Then you are capable of understanding what has happened with research into weight and size.

It's like that.
Only with more people involved in generating more fake studies.
I am sorry to have to be the one to tell you that not everyone in the scientific and medical fields is operating in good faith.

And that we have a deep and tragic history of this being a CONTINUAL problem.
That's why I don'y particularly like cutesy slogan like "Science is True!"

No, science is a thing people do and should therefore by subjected to scrutiny at every turn.

A thing that is supposed to be a PART of how science works.
It's just that hyper capitalism has kind of broken the scientific process.

If someone with a scientific bent takes the TIME to actually LOOK AT the research... I believe that person will come away deeply troubled, at the very least.
And I am basing that belief on my experience of talking to actual scientists and showing them the research I have found.

Medical fatphobia is based on NOTHING except bigotry and profit.

It's not even that hard to SEE.

You just have to care enough to LOOK
The Fat Activism Basics playlist contains sources in the video notes to back all this up.
And in this video I literally look for backup for the WHO figures for two entire hours.

It should NOT take that long to find published backup for any LEGITIMATE scientific claim.
If you appreciate my work and you like game streams, check out mine! I'll be live at 5PM Eastern today 
Oh yeah also that alcohol usage paper was not about alcoholism

It was about drinking one beer a day.

One beer = 2.8 million in excess mortality

These statistical mortality models are modeling garbage for clicks
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