đŸ§”While yes, not all therapists should be therapists and a lot of it is western/white (although I will say all my classes have been actively working to point that out and break that cycle) some of y’all just hop on the hate train with no critical thinking- example:
Someone was just talking about being depressed and overwhelmed and mentioned that one of the things their therapist suggested was switching to paper plates so they didn’t have to worry about washing dishes. But this person dismissed this as unhelpful and bad therapy HOWEVER
If you’re overwhelmed to the point that dishes are making you cry and you can’t bring yourself to do them. Suggesting an alternative of paper plates so you don’t have to worry about the stress of dishes right now while you work on everything to get back to the point where that -
isn’t an overwhelming task isn’t at all a bad thing. Like your therapist isn’t dismissing your concerns about your dishes they are actively trying to help you. I’m sorry but therapy isn’t something you go to and they magically immediately fix everything. It takes work and not -
only that, it takes work from YOU. Again, there are shitty therapists out there, but even with the good ones- that is still on you to actually utilize the skills they’re teaching you and the tools they’re giving you. And not *everything* will be “fixed” at once.
At one point I was beyond overwhelmed and freaking out about a million things and one of them was the way my partner put the laundry away. My therapist was not a bad therapist for suggesting that I try to not worry about the laundry right now bc at least it is put away-
She recognized that I was starting to catastrophize everything and was helping me with the things I could essentially “let go of” for right now so that I could focus on the main issues and not overwhelm myself more. That’s not a case of “bad therapy”
I’m just so tired of seeing people take basic ass shit like this and turn it into their therapist being dismissive and shitty. There are actual callouts that are deserved, this shit isn’t one of them
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