Annoying things singlets do that systems do not like (real)

Singlets RT or I will bite your ankles
- Whenever a system is educating you about system stuff, don’t argue. Do not make it an argument. I guarantee you a person who is actually a part of a system knows more about their disorder than a google article written by a singlet clickbaiting the ‘elusive condition’.
- Stop calling DID/OSDD ‘Multiple personality disorder’ and or ‘Split personalities’. Not only is is medically incorrect and removed from the DSM entirely, literally the entire community considers these derogatory and demonizing.
- If a system alter follows a mlm/nblm or a wlw/nblw account, and you block them because the host isn’t, I’m going to assume you hate systems. We are not trying to be ‘everything at once’ we are different people with different identities.
- Don’t make fun of alters signing off on tweets while making any form of discourse or statement post. It’s so fucking annoying I do not have the words for it.
- Don’t call fictives kins and don’t call factives factkins. They are their own people, they are not kins. Also don’t assume every fictive/factive wants to be seen as or identifies with their source.
- I’ve seen a lot of introjects with problematic sources (mostly JSchlatt introjects) get harassed for existing. Stop doing that. We cannot control who we split, and oft times these people do not identify with problematic parts of their source.
- Don’t talk to or date fictives / factives specifically because they’re your ‘favorite character’. I thought this was obvious but we aren’t your comfort characters. Get to know us because you like us, not because you like our source.
- Don’t positive trigger any of us out unless it’s an absolute emergency. It’s scary and invasive having that done to us, so don’t. And if a system shares any of their positive triggers with you, that’s not your thumbs up to use them at our expense.
- Some systems don’t change their display name to show who’s fronting or sign off on tweets. That’s fine, it’s personal information of who’s fronting at what times, some systems aren’t comfy with people knowing. But don’t assume the host is fronting 24/7.
- Don’t fakeclaim somebody. Unless they openly admit to purposefully faking their disorder, don’t. ESPECIALLY if you are a singlet. We already deal with compulsive system denial, we don’t need one more chip into the bucket. This is also insanely harmful because-
- Also don’t tell somebody they’re ‘too young’ or ‘it’s too rare’ to be or know they’re a system. Being a system is about as common as having ginger hair, and people can and do become aware around the age of 16.
-systems form out of childhood trauma. When you tell somebody their disorder is fake, you’re telling them their trauma is fake as well.
- Don’t use our disorder as plot devices or antagonists in your stories, I cannot describe how annoying and harmful this is to us.
Anyways yeah, edtwt/shtwt has big problems with ableism! Start acknowledging things that aren’t depression, anxiety, BPD, and eating disorders.
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