q: how's wlbz4 like everyday
đź‘‘: jiachen's dad jokes, jojo's joyful vibes, yizhou's warm guy image and my iconic lips. usually the four of us will have a lot of heart talks, we basically talk about everything. it's like the four of our personalities are very different +

but that's why i feel the four of us can play together very well. tjz and wjc are those types that whenever we're chatting they will suddenly have some inside jokes and we will all start laughing. while lyz and i have a more calm personality +
i feel like if the both of us sit down and chat, other people will think why are we being boring over there. the atmosphere all of us have is a very harmonious kind because our personalities and mindset are different. sometimes our laugh points are different so it's kind of funny
+ sometimes they will talk about my lips habit and i'll feel helpless and they will find it very funny so the atmosphere is fun. they always say i'm the group's "baby" but i don't feel that. +
what do we talk about in private? we usually talk about where we should travel to. but we can always talk about everything. i also like to chat about what we learned last time etc
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