I'm really gonna need other yt disabled folk, esp yt autistics to really reflect on how y'all address us.

This is microaggressive as hell, and there's even another person in the comments on this post ignoring the microaggression to further push a point Seth wasn't making. https://twitter.com/theblvckhorned/status/1391714892734816257
As someone who uses identity first language, I still use person first when sentences sound clunky as all hell. That's easier on my brain and isn't indicative of my views on IFL vs PFL for myself or others.
And the fact that the person who did it completely ignored the point in Seth's tweet to say something about the words he chose to use to communicate for himself is very telling.
And personally? You'd have to have a lot of nerve to come and tell someone what words to use when they're talking for themselves and not about an entire group of people.
Y'all very often forget Black autistic people exist when y'all are talking to us, regardless of whether or not we list it in our bios, our display names or our usernames
As a Black autistic, we do not get the same space, grace or understanding when communicating by allistics and yt autistics.
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