Mayor Bowser has banned dancing at weddings in the District of Columbia.

But it’s a pretty ersatz imitation of Footloose. DC permits dancing at Zumba classes and strip clubs.

Today, @HamLincLaw brought suit on behalf of a bride-to-be against this abuse.
Margaret Appleby and her fiancé are fully vaccinated. In March 2020, before the CDC recommended it, she was handcrafting masks. She’s socially distanced for over a year. She’s limited her wedding guest list to 70.

But on April 26, DC banned Margaret from dancing at her wedding.
48 states—including Virginia and Maryland a few miles away—permit dancing at weddings. Margaret and her husband will be vaccinated and wearing masks and socially distanced from other guests, but they cannot take a first dance together. This is irrational and unscientific.
This is a pandemic, and government can take steps in favor of the public health. I take COVID seriously, and so does my client. But the government cannot act so arbitrarily to ban expressive speech.

Read the complaint here.
Had she had the foresight to book her wedding reception a few miles away, Margaret and her guests could safely dance to their hearts’ content and return to DC.

There’s no public-health basis to prohibit a vaccinated bride and groom from dancing.
When DC imposes such arbitrary ham-handed restrictions on responsible vaccinated citizens, it is counterproductive. It tells the citizenry there’s no point in getting vaccinated, and that COVID will always be an excuse for the government to control your life.
The number of commenters on this thread twisting themselves into knots to justify DC’s irrational unscientific arbitrary and lawless despotism is very very sad.
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