If any journalists want to know exactly which parts of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 the @ElectoralCommUK have broken, it's at the very least this part on emblems. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/41/section/29 https://twitter.com/conor_matchett/status/1391110016342581248
A lot of people have tweeted about this. Here's the ballot paper, plus what their logo looks like when you're not close to it. https://twitter.com/_Div__/status/1391310925072896000?s=20
As @EuanYours points out here, this deliberate misdirection (BY A NAZI) cost the Greens two seats in this election, one in Glasgow and one in South, even assuming there's a few people who really wanted "organic fascism" and knew what this crank stands for. https://twitter.com/EuanYours/status/1391100803746869250
This isn't some partisan point. I've had senior ("sounds better") SNP people in my DMs, really concerned, hoping something can be done to address this. Also, as Duncan says, he's not exactly a Green loyalist. https://twitter.com/dhothersall/status/1391604411709988866?s=20
If this happened to you in South (as it did to the partner of a pal - he's too embarrassed to admit it in public) please contact Jennifer. https://twitter.com/jennifermjones/status/1391493514442256386?s=20
This is who they are. McConnachie was thrown out of UKIP for being too much of a Nazi. I doubt more than a dozen out of the thousands and thousands of votes they got were intended for him. https://twitter.com/FerretScot/status/1389863076791455748?s=20
I want to see an inquiry. I want to see resignations. I want to see a court case, and I want to see if and how this can be remedied. The Parliament sadly does not reflect the will of the people, because the @ElectoralCommUK broke the law in favour of a deceptive Nazi.
This isn't a niche question that affects a tiny number of people. This is a quarter of Scotland currently being represented by an incorrect list of MSPs - and it could easily have made the difference in Central and North East too.
Obviously I'm *not* neutral. But people deserve the representation they think they're voting for. This is the result it should have been.
SNP 64 (+1)
Tories 30 (-1)
Labour 21 (-3)
Green 10 (+4)
Lib Dem 4 (-1)

Instead it was disrupted by a dozen Nazis, helped by @ElectoralCommUK.
I hadn't realised it was this close to doing the same damage in Central region https://twitter.com/mehall/status/1391123337762545666?s=20
This is fascinating and rigorous as always - but I wouldn’t give @ElectoralCommUK any more powers until they’ve been fully made accountable for their active role in this stitchup. https://twitter.com/peterkgeoghegan/status/1391793265343700994
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