Happiness comes from within you. Only you have the power to control your emotions.

Ever wondered why those around you seem happier?

Here’s 10 habits to add to your routine.

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1. Plan ahead

The feeling of being in control has an automatic positive impact on mood.

At the end of each week, plan for the next.

Even if you don’t stick to this rigidly, it helps to know the direction you’re going in even if the precise stops aren’t confirmed.
2. Exercise

Exercise does as many wonders for the mind as it does for the body.

Find a form of exercise that works for you. This could be an evening walk or a full on cardio session. Both have health benefits depending on your perspective and circumstances.
3. Sleep well

In the race to get ahead in life, it’s easy to slip into the habit of sacrificing sleep for extra time on your side hustle.

What you’re not realising is that you’re sacrificing health and well-being in the process.

Work smarter not harder.
4. Develop a growth mindset

Take stock of your mindset.

Do you have a fixed mindset (you are who you are and cannot change) or a growth mindset (you are always improving)?

A growth mindset has development and self-improvement in mind. This is better in the long run.
5. Eat well

Never underestimate the effects of a balanced healthy diet.

You are a product of what you put into your body.

Don’t skip meals because you are “too busy”. Never be too busy to sacrifice health over wealth.
6. Be grateful

It’s easy to get caught up in working towards the things you don’t have that you forget to appreciate the things you do have.

Remember to be grateful for at least one thing daily.

Even the smallest of things can bring a smile to your life.
7. Acknowledge stress

Stress is common for everyone and can be found in every part of life.

Face it.

Don’t shy away from something you know is bothering you. Learn to manage stress by tackling the root cause.

Everyone has to go through the lows before reaching the highs.
8. Help others

There’s a different kind of happiness that comes with helping someone/making someone else smile.

You never lose when you give.

Small acts such as buying someone a gift out of the blue or giving a compliment go further than you realise.
9. Good company

Surround yourself with like-minded people who will pick you up when you’re down and lift you higher when you’re succeeding.

The energy from the people around you eventually rubs off on you. You want to make sure it’s the right energy.
10. Look on the bright side

Develop a positive mindset.

There will always be ups and downs but seeing the positive and learning from your failures will propel you further than dwelling on the negatives.

Positivity breeds positivity.
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