What do the practitioners of CRT, which holds that white people in a white supremacist society only permit progress for nonwhites when doing so also benefits whites, say about their own elevation to cultural hegemony?
This is not meant as some rhetorical gotcha. TNC was genuinely confused and troubled that so many white people wanted to genuflect at his feet, and rather than step into the role of guru, withdrew from public disputation and went to write comic books.
Do CRT exponents see the sudden cultural dominance of CRT as itself an example of interest convergence that ultimately benefits whites or do they see it as a break and deliverance from this process?
If the latter, then we are left with this paradox where the act of embracing the doctrine ended up annulling its actual claims -- which in an odd way is sort of what hyper-liberal whites are trying to do, absolve themselves of white supremacy by confessing to white supremacy
Which all should recognize is the kind of rhetorical trap that abusers do to their victims
If the former, then they are, like every other reform movement before them, unwitting pawns of white supremacy...
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