We asked him to go back and evaluate the bravery of dek chai* gulf. He smiled and told us, “When I was a kid, I was naughty and stubborn. From what my mom told me, whenever her back was turned from me to do housework,

@gulfkanawut #gulfkanawut
somehow, I would injure myself every time. There was this one time when she made steamed egg that had just been cooked and she put in on the floor. I was clumsy. I walked over to her, but I’d forgotten to watch where I was going and I stepped on that steam egg bowl
and got a burn on my foot. Another wound that I can remember well is when my mom was cooking in the kitchen and I ran and played in the front of my house. I tripped and got a wound on my face. I was very naughty. There were times when I was being stubborn and headstrong.
When I wanted something, I would cry and start squirming (on the floor). My mom wanted to teach me a lesson so she let me cry until I got tired. I walked out of the room to cry and when I saw that my mom didn’t care,
I would walk back over to her and hug her (laugh). More like a headstrong child who constantly wanted his mom attention.”

//dek chai* = mr for boy / male age under 15 years old in thai.
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