i would like to read things/see more discussion about having children & child-raising that doesn't just focus on it as an individual choice shaping the life of the potential parent, tbh
like, thinking about reproductive justice, about the world children deserve to be raised in, thinking about the care that we owe to each other and the world we have to fight for, children of our own or not, so that every child and every person can be safe and cared for and loved
I think it was @lolaolufemi_ who shared some v good thoughts on Instagram the other day about how narrow the conversation is when framed around the choices of white privileged women to have children or not, have been thinking about it a lot since!
anyway it is always grim that nyt's voice of the left~~ is a homophobic anti-choice socially conservative woman, obvi i know why that is lol but like. actually radical writers have much more interesting and imaginative things to say about children and the family and the home etc
i will not be forgetting Liz Bruenig's deeply homophobic piece in The American Conservative in which she says the banning of conversion therapy leaves gay Christians "at a loss" any time soon, that is for sure
as Rosalie said, it's v relevant to her writing on motherhood bc she might parent queer children but also i think bc so much of this notion of like. traditional, morally upstanding motherhood defines itself in opposition to ~degenerate queers https://twitter.com/tiltwithlips/status/1391732952615239689
on several occasions even in the past year she has really played the sensible, morally upstanding mother opposing the civilisation-destroying degenerate nonsense of family abolitionist queers (& of parents who centre the autonomy of their trans kids!) so
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