A reminder that people not voting like you isn't evidence of voting fraud.

Just because you believe strongly that a thing is right, doesn't mean everyone else does.

Applies to Twitch polls as much as national elections.

If ANYONE - right or left - tells you that 'voting fraud' is a reason to add extra effort to voting, then ask them for evidence it exists.

And not just exists, but exists to a level that warrants the cost, restrictions and slippery slope to national ID arguments it brings.
That evidence does not exist in the UK. The electoral commission have repeatedly made clear this clear.

Voter ID is a thing that sensible people, left OR right, should not want in the UK.

It reduces people's engagement with British democracy AND it opens the door to ID Cards
The people who want voter ID in ANY country are ALWAYS the people who want to know more about YOU. And - at some point - make you think twice about voting against them.

Their political flavour varies from hard left to hard right. But the motivation is always the same.
Not imposing ID for voting IN BRITAIN, for the "mother of parliaments" is one of those issues on which people who firmly believe in small government conservatism and people who believe in a more socialist society can easily and readily agree.

Don't let tribalism blind to that.
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