lrt op added it afterwards but owen is also good at dancing
idk if he was a prince(ss lol) or not but he definitely was not raised in a regular atmosphere(?) he must've been high class at some time of his life. owen has no interest in education yet he is very well educated in arts (involves music, dancing, fashion, room decoration, +
literature and More) and has well formed opinions on justice and politics despite him not being bothered by anything from there. owen was definitely forced into keeping manners unlike bradley or mithra as well and sometimes rejects them out of spite (refusing to use a fork)
this whole "good boy" behaviour he always tries to oppose to and mentioning so many times "playtime" shows he was actually under a prefabricated schedule for activities. he also says he is not good at the manor's schedule for eating so he must've never been good at keeping +
+ the schedule when he was a child either, causing him to get yelled and angry at (kizu owen almost cries and gouges his eye out to make cain "stop being mad" and owen himself disappears whenever someone is extremely mean to him or yelled at. he himself never raises his voice)
this is somehow related to the beginning of his affection story. owen must've been considered a failure by his parents, his reason for kizuowen to cry so much, look for safety so much and who tends to run away from conflict yet shows he is very much spoiled and loves praise: +
+ at the beginning of his affsto he is tormenting heathcliff like this. we all know owen projects his own issues into others
adding to this, owen refuses to talk about his family even though his behaviour shows he clearly remembers them (refusing to tell akira, "since mithra does not remember then i shouldn't, either")
suicide mention & description (?) /

owen tells akira how he commit suicide back then. this seems to be the first time he did that. "not anymore" references him probably actually having had ~something~ before: a family, luxuries? goods. a future
owen's obsession with being strong (not because of the book in the basement, but also qualities he admires from cain that are traditionally associated with "manliness") resulted into him getting strong with Magic. he thinks wizards are bad. he just went for the strength he was +
+ able to acquire. owen is also referred to as "feeble, feminine-looking guy" by a bandit in north etude

perhaps owen's body was weak, he also was emotionally weak, and lived in an environment that made him feel less because of it. he was taught to dance and sing and was good +
+ at it, but perhaps he lacked emotional and physical strength. we don't know under what circumstances owen is an aberration of a wizard – if paradoxroid shows owen being turned into a robot, a "god"... i suspect things, knowing owen as a wizard is defective
kizu owen is obedient. he is told to stay inside cain's room and instead of just going out and not being "obedient" he goes on a panic attack and starts hitting the door with a chair, but never gets out by his own. he puts mental limits to himself, owen surpasses those limits +
+ as an act of "rebellion". rebellion against what? what rules hurt him so much?
owen also dislikes wizards who are stronger than him because they can just "order him around". when akira tells him to do something he says that, akira says "it's just a favour, not an order" and owen replies "it's the same thing". all it takes oz to make owen do something is +
+ a single gaze, as shown in sanrio event. he is extremely controlled by authority even though this authority doesn't push limitations and orders to him, he obeys as he puts self-pressure on him to obey
... even then, his family's manipulation might've even caused him to get attached to them and even go berserk because of being separated from them. this screenshot below is a tale owen "makes up" yet it's so weirdly specific it seems real. related to this, we know owen +
+ actually anihilated a village with an abnormal amount of power as a result of his emotional inestability and maybe desires of vendetta. remember that village kept owen locked up inside a basement for more than a hundred years, starving and all alone
... additionally, it seems like figaro has experiences with owen's power when he's going insane (here, cain was dying) and erasing memories. taking paradoxroid into account, where figaro erases owen's memory data and yet owen manages to keep some memories, it is likely to be +
+ what happened in reality
it could be that his soul is buried in the lord of the forest of dreams and the outburst of power was actually owen's soul leaving his body. that way, owen's soul would be the one who caused the poisonous forest to grow, and the reason why it has its own light and glows...
i've read people saying the basement may be below the tree and that the knight book could still be there. that's a possibility
in conclusion: coly you either hire me or i will spoil owen's whole background story to the world before you can even release it i got yall grabbed by the balls
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