Which is valid. The US-centric nature of localisation is often trash. Why does my consumption of anime, as a European fan, have to always be filtered through an American lens? Especially when what passes for "good" localisation is references to shit like gamergate. https://twitter.com/jycompany_/status/1391212040094687234
Those kinds of references are going to age like milk. Of course it should be criticised.
It's super fucking funny to me, this, that they're making like we're the ones idk talking over Japanese people or whatever, when the companies they are defending are oftentimes changing dialogue so far from the source, that it sometimes changes the tone of the story entirely.
Localisers are the ones tampering with the source material. They're the ones who speak on behalf of Japanese creators, literally. That's basically their job. They need to be kept down several pegs so they stop feeling emboldened to take wild liberties with translation.
There aren't 1:1 translations of Japanese to English, sure. No one wants a hyper literal translation. No one asks for that. We're just tired of Americans doing overly American shit to Japanese anime and manga.
No offense to all my cool American mutuals, this isn't about you guys in any capacity, and I know a lot of American anime fans are tired of a lot of these same changes too.
We all want to enjoy Japanese media as close to the source as possible, without translated dialogue being a disjointed mess, and without the US-centric bs that's often ham-fisted in there. It's about striking a good balance, one that Funi knew how to do once upon a time.
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