I agree with Murdo that you cannot extrapolate the "will" for an independence referendum from the constituency results alone. And for exactly the same reason you also cannot deny it. https://twitter.com/murdo_fraser/status/1391658004785909760
The constituency vote is misleading for 2 reasons. Firstly, it's FPTP. Secondly, the 2nd largest pro-independence party (the Scottish Greens) did not stand in most constituencies, but their regional share is big enough that you cannot discount them.
If you discount the Green vote, should you also not discount the Lib Dem vote? A party which now has half the number of MSPs and just 60% of the total regional votes as the SGP.
You need to add all the numbers together, and the only meaningful conclusion you should take from that is that you shouldn't take any meaningful conclusion from it. It's just. That. Close. (with a miniscule lean to Yes)
(for the avoidance of doubt, the "Did Not Count" bucket is for all the independents and "others" who I couldn't be bothered looking up their manifesto for their stance on a 2nd Independence Referendum)
Anyway, the lesson of the day is don't play with maps and selective data set kids.
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