Types of Males (a Thread)
The Alpha Male the leader of the pack gets all the girls and dominates the hierachy
The Beta Male 2nd in command pretty attractive kinda the brains of the group
The Delta Male pretty average guy works 9-5 at a office job and doesn't do much in his life
The Gamma Male the weird kid who always plays yu gi oh with his gamma friends
The Omega Male the worst of the worst is atleast 400 kg living at parents house at age of 38 and not making any money moves their ideal life is an obscure zelda fan fiction and they are going to die alone
The sigma male that one extremely attractive guy who doesn't follow the social hierachy and its the rarest type of male only 0.01% of people have this type an example of this is berlin.1969 who is very humble and calls himself an average person
End of thread.
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