$GME / $AMC TedxTalk about the Dark Pool Suspension 1/x:
Some people are saying this filing is not about dark pools, or that this is a misunderstanding. I just read this. It is definitely referring to "connectivity to systems and data feeds from [already existing ATS exchanges and] additional third parties," established on 3/29. 2/x
To me, this very much sounds like new dark pools or OTS exchanges offered by third parties, which began operation in connection to NYSE on 3/29. This filing revokes the filings that allowed those connections, data feeds, and systems access, as well as their fee schedule. 3/x
There has been an appeal filed by the NYSE (the original filer that approved these changes) requesting different handling than immediate suspension, but there is no clause in the SEC filing stating what happens in the event of an appeal. I will update this thread when I know. 4/4
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