people: *is homeless because parents kicked out because gay*

Other people: omg im so sorry

Me: *is homeless because parents are gaslighting pieces of shit & I got kicked out just for being alive*

Other people: well whats wrong with u
This is why some people hate BLM or LGBTQ activists. It's not because they don't want those people to have equal rights, its because they themselves are being persecuted and treated like shit for reasons that aren't yet being talked about. There are so many kinds of abuse.
Exactly same sentiment to a tweet from earlier this week:

If we don't believe we are deserving we won't believe others are deserving either.

As long as any form of abuse is left unchecked there will be hate groups and opposing sides.
Don't be a nazi puncher. Nazis are nazis because they are already hurting. If we stop all forms of abuse, there will be no twisted people left to want to hurt others. People are not born twisted, they are made that way.
Whatever is made can be unmade. Love is the only way.
Honestly so tired of "nazi puncher" rhetoric, it's beyond hypocritical and it's completely deluded. A puncher is a puncher. Period.
This thread is a god damn mess but so am I today so đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
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